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The last of the beta tester boards for Replicape Revision B were shipped out today! Now comes a couple of weeks of testing for the selected testers followed by a big decision: Are they good enough for the Kickstarter!
If the testers give the board their go, that is to say they have not found any major flaws, the Kickstarter campaign is launched. Two of the beta testers are located in California, so Bent and I will jump in a car and do a road trip and visit them to do an in-depth interview about what they think of the new Replicape.
I’ve had a lot of fun making the Kickstarter video for this board, just building (3D-printing) epic camera jigs and testing the new functionalities of the board, both the inductive sensor input and the servo controllers seem to be working as they should.
[evp_embed_video url=”https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/11773411_1625067334424660_928462397_n.mp4″ loop=”true” autoplay=”true”]
One thing I should mention about this KS. Since the PCB production is curated by Elmatica, there is no need to wait for the campaign to finish before production starts. They will secure the middle financing. Therefore, as soon as we hit 100 sold units, that is enough to start production! Hopefully that happens within the first few days of the campaign, and so delivery can happen way sooner than 30 days + production.
Another thing worth mentioning is the options for shipping. Elmatica are orders of magnitude better at logistics than a small start-up company, so they will help with securing the shipping agreements, securing swift and super cheap shipping!
Awesome, I’ll buy one. Just let me know when the kickstarted happens and I’m all over it.
Tucker, just sign up on the product page and I’ll shoot you an e-mail when it’s ready!
What about bare PCB availability?
Do you mean for the final product or for rev B2? All I have are some rev B1 PCBs, not rev B2.